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Herbs Properties and uses


 Aloe vera

The leaves of this plant are freshly cut, mashed and blended into the warm melted soap, along with a drop of cold pressed avocado oil.

The aloe vera is one of the most nutrionally packed plants, containing around 75 different phyto-nutrients. It also contains amino acids, essential fatty acids which are neccessary but which the body cannot produce for itself. It is the essential fatty acids which are so important to fight against the free-radical wear and tear on the body.

Soothing for the skin, minor burns cuts, scrapes and skin irritations, its essential nutrients provide a natural support for the immune system.

It contains minerlas suchas, calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, copper and zinc and the vitamins A,B1,B2,B6,B12,C ,Folic acid and niacin.

As the skin replenishes itself every 21-28 days these nutrients provide the building materials. It also has a "balancing" ph of 4.55 


  Herbs Uses  

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