
Christmas in Canillas.

As December approaches the folk of the village have already collected their pine cones and olive wood for their “braseros”; (a metal dish of hot charcoals kept beneath the table). Families and neighbours sit around the tables with their knees hidden under the heavy table cloths, warming hands and feet on the heat of the hot charcoals.

The rooms are warm and cheerful and in a corner sits, ”Belen”; It is the little village of Bethlehem where the little Christ child was born into the world, in a little stable, where his parents sought refuge.

Each navidad a grandmother will take out her Christmas box of  the little stable, the little figurines of Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus. There are the three kings, the shepherds and their little animals to be placed in this little scene too. Belen is created so that the family may welcome this special time into their home.

Christmas eve begins, Noche Buena, the good night. the family unties for a special supper after the Mass. It is a quiet candle lit service held at midnight in the church, Nuestra Senora de la Expectacion, in the plaza. A small ceremony of dressing the infant boy in baby garments is held by the villagers and the nativity scene of belen may be visited within the church at any time.

Christmas day afternoon brings a group of young villagers into the streets with guitars and baskets. They make a small tour of the village their warm voices fill the quiet streets as they sing to the people to open their doors and make their offerings.

Later, as the sun goes down, all gather in the plaza to take a drink and await the grand Rifa, the auction of the gifts. There may be chickens, doves, rabbits and pigs…paintings and other unusual gifts. Always there are pasas, (the local moscatel raisins), bottles of wine and champagne. Always there is a surprise. There is a great anticipation in the plaza and all are welcome to come and gather and bid, if the feeling arises. (All monies are collected for the village feria held at the end of July).


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