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        by Jane Gudge                        RAW FOOD COACHING IN SPAIN Tel 952030161

          If you are full of optimism, loving life, fulfilled, happy and overflowing with energy,

I am pretty certain your diet is primarily raw, fresh and probably organic


Happiness is a state of mind. However, your mind and the state it is in has been cultivated, and eating brain developing, mood enhancing food certainly are the major factor in this creation.


The body is designed to stay healthy, to efficiently repair and renew itself as your life proceeds.


The materials to aid this process are your food and your environment. These absolutely affect how you feel, think and move, and what you put in your mouth determines exactly how you look after yourself.


“let food be your medicine and medicine be your food” is as sound and wise today as it was when it was promulgated thousands of years back

The condition of your health and mind in virtually every case can be improved by eating raw, sun ripened food.

Y’know, the stuff you can see everywhere, here in this paradise of Andalucia, developing in gardens, blooming in trees, growing on the land, wonderful, nourishing food that grows abundantly.

Carob, pomegranates, figs, dates, grapes citrus, almonds, avocados,

olives, melons, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and the list goes on.


Or bodies have been loaded with foods, containing reactive chemicals, life diminishing additives, cancer triggering toxins, for so long that we no longer use the alarms a healthy system would give out to stop us from making ourselves poorly.

We buy prepared supermarket food labelled ‘healthy’ or ‘natural’ or even ‘wholesome’.

Trust me on this;

an apple you pluck from your tree is wholesome, the tomatoes from our gardens are healthy, the figs grown on the hillside are natural,

They are soooo good for you they don’t need wasteful packaging, expensive marketing, irradiation or horrid gases to ripen them up, they don’t need mixing with chemical fats, salts and sugars to make them palatable. The fruits of this lovely land are ready for you to enjoy as they are, and your body is crying out for their healing goodness.


How astonishing that we talk of our food using words like junk, crap, rubbish and proceed nonetheless to eat it!

It has been estimated that we carry inside between 3 and 50 kilos of fecal matter, the term ‘full of shit’ is no coincidence.

Our bodies are in such shock they don’t function properly.  Distended bellies, aching joints, poor sleep, organ pains, fogginess, nausea, are not normal.


Normal is waking up refreshed and raring to go, drinking and eating raw fresh fruits & veg, knowing that these are just the best things to consume to have the best of days.

Adjusting how and what you eat and drink will manifest wonderful changes in your body and mind within days


Health Care is not a subscription to Bupa or Sanitas. It is a daily loving regard for what you have; a wonderful, beautiful creation that with good food, exercise and sleep remains a faithful and reliable friend.

You are the caretaker of your body and mind, from your birth to your death.

It would be reasonable to assume that no-one knows or cares more for and about them than yourself, they should be your pride and joy


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